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Know the author

Based in Bangalore, India, Rev. Victor D'Monte has committed his life to fulfil the calling God has placed upon him. He is the founder and Senior Pastor of Adonai Church, taking the Gospel of Jesus to people across India and overseas. He firmly believes that every gift God has given to the Body of Christ must be used for the common purpose of disciplining people and building His Church.

God has used him and his wife, Annie, extensively in the Healing and Deliverance ministry, ministering to those who are emotionally, physically and spiritually broken. Over the years they have felt the call to minister to pastors, leaders and congregations helping them find their purpose and fulfil their God-given destiny.

Inspiring him to author the books, 'Satan and his kingdom Exposed!' and 'Discerning of Spirits', as well as two workbooks titled 'Keys to Victorious Living' and 'Building a Godly Foundation' that are used as useful tools to disciple believers.

Our Values

Discipleship is relational, not merely intellectual.

Jesus connected with people on a personal level. The impact of His ministry was seen in the way He shared life with His disciples, teaching and demostrating the Kingdom of God. It was Jesus' disciples that transformed nations and not the followers.

All are equal in the eyes of God.

We treat all mankind as equal and valueable as in the eyes of God, irrespective of their of their background.

Relational not religious.

We seek to establish every person in their relationship with Jesus irrespective of their religious background.


To unite believers together in faith with Jesus as our focus.

To empower people

To empower every believer to be a world changer by discipling others.

Our Strengths

Person to person

We rely on engaging with people and not just rhetoric. We believe that discipleship is meant to be in an engaging environment facilitated in small groups. This environment creates space for people to ask questions, clarify doubts and share their views.

Holistic development

Jesus ministered to people meeting their spiritual, emotional and physical needs. These discipleship coures are designed around the ministry of Jesus to help people live a holistic life.

Holy Spirit

We believe the Christian life can be lived only through the Person and work of the Holy Spirit. And we are only instruments through which the Holy Spirit works to see people effectively discipled and empowered.

The Victorious Living
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